- “Node – weighted interacting network measures improve the representation of real-world complex systems”, M. Wiedermann, J. F. Donges, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths (2013) , EPL, 102 (2013) 28007, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/102/28007
- “Node – weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded, sampled, or differently sized nodes”, Jobst Heitzig, Jonathan F. Donges, Yong Zou, Norbert Marwan, Jurgen Kurths, (2012)
References for preparing slides for PhD coursework
- “Nonlinear time-series analysis revisited”, Elizabeth Bradley, Holger Kantz, (why nonlinear time series analysis?, it explain why normal time series analysis is not sufficient for solve problems
- “Detecting nonstationarity and state transitions in a time series”, J.B. Gao, (2001), doi : 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.0462XX. (reason why recurrence plots, RQA gained importance compared to Lyapunov exponent, correlation dimension etc).
New works related to Hurricane
- http://www.hurricanescience.org/science/forecast/models/modeltypes/dynamicalmodels/